Friday, August 29, 2008

Man with the (evacuation) Plan

It looks like if and when Hurricane Gustav approaches the Lousiana coastline, I will be heading east to Atlanta. Myself, as well as many of the other volunteers in the program, will be staying back to help assist with the evacuation by getting residents on trains and buses. That is all I really know about it at this point but will know more in the next day or so, exactly what I will be doing to help with the evacuation. About 12-18 hours before Gustav is set to hit Lousiana, we will be taking off towards Atlanta where I guess we have free housing and food set for us. I’ve never been to Atlanta and think it could be fun to bum around the city for a couple of days. At this point, everything is unknown because the path of Gustav may change over the next couple of days. It seems nobody really knows where it is going to hit but I have been hearing on the news that it may land in Houston as opposed to Lousiana. Keep watching the news for information. Today is actually the third anniversary of Katrina (and the 32nd anniversary of Allen and Barbara’s holy union – woo woo) which is crazy because there is still so much left to be done here and now there’s another hurricane fast approaching. From what I’m hearing, it seems like the city, as well as FEMA, is much more prepared this time around as evacuation plans are set and food and water are ready to be brought in. Anyways, I just wanted to give an update of what was going on with the hurricane and my evacuation. I’m pretty tired right now after a long week of painting, chopping wood, moving heavy doors and windows, cleaning our warehouse, etc., so it’s a short post today. I’m going to take a little nap right now before figuring out what to do tonight. I’ll make another post before/if I head to Atlanta.


Unknown said...

cool post adam. good luck and keep going with the flow.

Anonymous said...

why wasn't this year hurricane glen instead of gustav?